Programmable Media

iOS sample projects

Last updated: Jul-04-2024

We've created a sample project to get you started with integrating Cloudinary into your iOS applications.

On this page:

iOS sample app

The sample app demonstrates a variety of Cloudinary features as well as specific features of the iOS SDK itself, while showcasing a modern UI design. The app covers:

  • Delivery - Delivering your image assets with optimizations and advanced transformations applied.
  • Upload - How to handle uploading images to your product environment, including pre-processing or fetching remote content.
  • Widgets - How to add both the image and upload widgets available with the SDK.
  • Video - Delivering videos with the bundled video player and examples of delivering different video assets.

To get started with the iOS sample app, clone the iOS SDK and complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Example directory and run:

  2. Open the Upload Presets configuration in the Cloudinary console and select "Add Upload Preset". Type ios_sample as the name and click Save, leaving all the fields with their default values.

After completing the steps above, run the build command to build the app and start uploading resources to your Cloudinary product environment.

iOS sample app

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