Programmable Media

Paged and layered media

Last updated: Jul-23-2024

With Cloudinary, you can deliver media assets that include multiple pages or layers. This includes PDF and Photoshop files.

Delivering content from PDF files

You can upload PDF files to Cloudinary as image types. You can deliver them via a CDN, convert them to images, and generate thumbnails.

Important note for free accounts
By default, Free accounts are blocked from delivering files in PDF format for security reasons.
For details, see Media delivery.

You can also create PDF files from images.

Deliver a PDF or selected pages of a PDF

To deliver a PDF from Cloudinary, just supply the basic delivery URL:

You can also generate a PDF on the fly that contains only specified pages or page ranges.

  • Use semi-colons to separate a list of pages: pg_3;5;7
  • Use hyphens to indicate a page range: pg_3-5
  • Use a hyphen with no ending page to indicate starting from a specified page until the end: pg_5-

  • You can also create PDF files and images from Office documents, using the Aspose add-on.
  • You can extract all text from a PDF when uploading it using the OCR Text Detection and Extraction.
  • You can apply image transformations, such as adding text layers, to PDF pages when delivering PDF pages as images. However, avoid doing this if you're delivering the file as a PDF, as the results can be unpredictable.

Deliver a selected PDF page as an image

To deliver an image of the first page in a PDF file, just change the file extension from pdf to the image format of your choice in the Cloudinary delivery URL. For example, to deliver a JPEG image of the first page in a previously uploaded PDF file called multi_page_pdf (scaled down to a width of 300 pixels):

JPEG image of the first page of a PDF file

To deliver an image of a different page, use the page parameter (pg in URLs):

PNG image of the second page of a PDF file

You can control the resolution of the resulting image by changing the default dpi value of 150 with the density parameter (dn in URLs). For example, to deliver a JPEG image of the PDF file with a density of 20:

JPEG image of the PDF with 20 density

You can also use the explode method of the Admin API to explicitly generate derived images of all pages of a PDF, including optionally applying any transformation on all the pages before storing them. This method is useful for pre-generating all the pages, so that they do not need to be generated on the fly when first accessed by your users.

Delivering Photoshop images

If you upload a Photoshop (PSD) file or a TIFF file that was saved with layers and deliver it as a Cloudinary URL, it will enable users to download the original file, including all layers. For example:

To ensure that all file and layer data is completely preserved in your stored image, do not apply any incoming transformations when uploading PSD, TIFF or other image formats containing layers.

You can also apply any standard image transformation, and deliver with another image extension (or explicitly set an image format in the transformation) to deliver it in a format that your website or mobile app can display. For example, below, the cld_record_PSD image is delivered as a 300 pixel-width JPG with the grayscale effect:

Deliver a Photoshop image as a JPG with transformations

In addition to these basic options, there are a few special options available for working with PSD files.

It is recommended to save PSD files in Maximize Compatibility mode for the best results when delivering Photoshop images from Cloudinary.

Deliver selected layers of a PSD image

You can use the page (pg in URLs) transformation parameter to deliver an image containing only specified layers of a Photoshop image, where pg_1 represents all layers, and pg_2 is the bottom layer. The layers are delivered in the order you specify, even if the specified order is different from the original PSD file.

  • Use semi-colons to separate a list of layers: pg_3;5;7
  • Use hyphens to indicate a range of layers: pg_3-5
  • Use a hyphen with no ending page to indicate starting from a specified layer until the end: pg_5-

For example, below, cld_record_PSD is delivered with all layers except the record cover layer (8), the cover icon layer (9) and the cover's shadow layer (6):

Delivery Photoshop layers by number

You can also deliver layers by name (case-sensitive) using pg_name:. For example, now we'll deliver only the record cover and icon together with the cover's shadow:

Delivery Photoshop layers by name

If the PSD has more than one layer with the same name, you can refer to them using the name plus an index value. The first instance should be referred just by name, and the next should be referred to as name-1, and so on.

Extract the original content of an embedded object

A Photoshop image may include layers with embedded objects, such as Photoshop smart objects that are scaled down or otherwise modified. As long as the original image's content is fully preserved in the PSD file, you can extract and deliver the original embedded object using the pg_embedded:<index> parameter, where the index is the layer index number in the PSD file, or you can use the pg_embedded:name:<layer name> parameter to specify the layer name of the embedded smart object.

For example, suppose you embed a high resolution city scene as a smart object layer in a PSD alongside other layers. You can use the pg_embedded:name option to extract the full resolution city image by specifying the layer name, skyline-3242040_1920. Alternatively, you could reference it as the layer at index 8 in the PSD file (pg_embedded:8).

Full PSD as a jpg Full PSD as a jpg.
Click to view full size.
Extract full resolution of embedded object from PSD
Extracted original object.
Click to view full size.

Additional Photoshop image transformation options

When working with Photoshop images, you may also want to take advantage of the following:

  • You can trim the pixels of a PSD image according to a Photoshop clipping path that is stored in the image's metadata, using the fl_clip transformation flag.

    • If there are multiple paths stored in the PSD, you can specify which path to use by path number or name using the page parameter (pg in URLs).
    • For example, /fl_clip,pg_2/my_image.jpg will deliver your Photoshop image as a .jpg file, trimmed to the second clipping path in the file.
      Alternatively, fl_clip,pg_name:mypath will trim to the clipping path named mypath in your PSD file.
  • You can force all semi-transparent pixels in an image to be either fully transparent or fully opaque using the e_opacity_threshold transformation effect. This can be a useful solution when PhotoShop PSD files are delivered in a format that supports partial transparency, such as PNG, and the default results are not as expected. For details, see the e_opacity_threshold parameter in the Transformation URL API Reference.

  • You can get the original x (page_x) and y (page_y) co-ordinates of a layer (px and py in URLs), and use them to set user defined variables, or within arithmetic or conditional transformations. See this article for an example.

Limitations with Photoshop images

There are some known limitations when working with Photoshop images:

  • If a clipping mask is used in a PSD file, the mask only works if delivering the image as a whole. It does not work when delivering selected layers. Layer masks do work when delivering selected layers, so consider using layer masks instead if you intend to be selective about the layers you want to deliver.
  • PSD files using custom color spaces, such as duotone and palette mode, or those using spot colors from a non-default color book, do not always render correctly when delivered with an image extension. Try to stick to RGB, Grayscale and CMYK.
  • Layers that apply certain effects or blend modes cannot be accessed using the pg transformation parameter.

    For example, in the PSD file shown in the screenshot below, the effect on the third layer is applied to the second layer, but accessing pg_4 returns an error: "Image only has 3 pages and page 4 requested" (pg_1 delivers the whole image, including the effect). Accessing pg_3 returns only the second layer without the effect.

    PSD layers with blend effect

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