Programmable Media

Programmable Media tutorial library

Last updated: Sep-12-2024

This section provides a library of video tutorials on a variety of Programmable Media topics. A selection of videos for each topic are shown here. Click the 'See more…' button to see all available tutorials for any topic.

Programmatic asset management

Upload Programmatically
Use a Cloudinary SDK to upload media assets
Upload Assets in React
Upload assets using the Upload widget in a React App
Delete Assets with Node.js
Delete assets using various methods from the Node.js SDK

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Optimization and delivery

Optimization Tips
Tips for delivering optimized images
Using the Next.js Image Component
Deliver images using the Next.js Image component
Video Player in React
Embed the Cloudinary Video Player in a React app

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Transformation Basics
Learn the basics of a transformation URL
Crop and Resize Images in React
Crop and resize an image using React with Cloudinary
Named Transformations
Simplify & standardize complex delivery URLs

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Training courses

Cloudinary Academy


In addition to the short tutorials available here, you can also take free self-paced Cloudinary courses on a variety of developer or DAM topics, or register for formal instructor-led courses, either virtual or on-site, at Cloudinary Academy.

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