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WordPress Plugin

Last updated: Sep-12-2024


The Cloudinary WordPress plugin is designed to optimize your site performance and improve user experience with faster page load times, advanced auto-responsive delivery, lazy loading and better visual experience. Automate image quality and video encoding settings, scale and crop images using AI to focus on the most important region, apply comprehensive video and image transformations and effects, display assets via an interactive media gallery, and deliver optimized media experiences to any device in any resolution or pixel density.

To function correctly, the Cloudinary WordPress plugin requires an active WordPress REST API connection. Ensure your WordPress setup, including multisite or headless configurations, has the REST API enabled and active for seamless plugin operation. For more information, see WordPress’s REST API Handbook.

Related topics
This guide relates to the latest released version of the Cloudinary WordPress Plugin (v3.x)

To see the latest updates, improvements and bug fixes, check out the WordPress Plugin release notes.
Cloudinary Academy


We invite you to try the free Introduction to Cloudinary for WordPress Administrators online course, where you can learn how to configure the plugin and use asset management, image and video optimization, product gallery creation and more.

Quick start

  1. Sign up for a Cloudinary Programmable Media account or log in to your existing account.
  2. Install the Cloudinary WordPress plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.
  3. Complete the setup wizard, following the instructions to add your connection string and select your sync and optimization settings.
  4. Your existing media will begin syncing with Cloudinary and your media URLs will be updated to enable optimized media and fast delivery via CDN.
  5. That's it! Sit back and enjoy your improved site performance and greater user experience. You can keep an eye on your bandwidth savings and usage via the plugin dashboard.

Welcome wizard graphic

If you're signing up for a new account, make sure to select the Programmable Media product.

Video tutorial: Optimize images and videos in WordPress

Installation and configuration

Before you install the Cloudinary plugin, make sure you have a Cloudinary account. Sign up for a Free plan, starting with generous usage limits and when your requirements grow, you can easily upgrade to a plan that best fits your needs. More pricing information is available here.

Install or upgrade the plugin from the WordPress Plugins directory. You can open this from the Plugins dashboard by clicking Add New. Search for "Cloudinary" to bring up the Cloudinary Plugin.

Alternatively, you can install the plugin manually:

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Click Add New to go to the Plugins Directory.
  3. Click Upload Plugin and then Choose file to select the Cloudinary plugin zip file.
  4. Click Install Now to begin the installation.
  5. Once installed, click Activate Plugin to begin the Cloudinary setup.


To stop using the plugin, you can deactivate and/or uninstall from the Plugins dashboard. When you deactivate the Cloudinary plugin, all assets will be delivered from WordPress storage and transformations will no longer be applied, you will also have the option to delete all data relating to Cloudinary. If your storage is configured as Cloudinary only, you'll need to sync your assets back to WordPress before deactivating the plugin to prevent any issues.


Once you’ve activated the plugin, a new Cloudinary menu item will be added and you’ll begin the setup wizard to connect your Cloudinary account's product environment to WordPress and pre-configure the essential settings.

When connecting your Cloudinary product environment, you need to add your connection string, which is your environment variable. To do this, go to the API Keys page in the Cloudinary Console Settings and copy the format for the API environment variable. Replace the <your_api_key> and <your_api_secret> placeholders with the actual values provided on that page. Your cloud name will already be correctly included in the format.

Cloudinary API keys and credentials

If you have two-factor authentication (2FA) configured for your account, you need to open the Cloudinary Console and log in before you can use the Cloudinary plugin.

As part of the setup wizard, you'll have the option to adjust the recommended plugin settings. The recommended settings provide comprehensive optimization and are comprised of:

  • Optimizing Media Library items - Your media assets will be delivered using Cloudinary's automatic format and quality algorithms for the best tradeoff between visual quality and file size.
  • Optimizing themes, plugins, WP core and uploads folder items - Additional assets relating to themes, plugins, WordPress core and your uploads folder will be optimized and delivered by Cloudinary, giving you an additional performance boost.
  • Activating advanced features (lazy loading and responsive breakpoints) - Cloudinary's lazy loading and responsive image functionality will be applied to your media assets as part of delivery to further optimize your assets.

The recommended settings are designed to provide the highest level of optimization for your site. You may want to tweak these for your use case but we advise leaving them enabled initially and adjusting them once you've been able to assess the impact on your media.

Once the setup wizard is complete, all of your existing media will begin syncing with Cloudinary and your media URLs will be updated to enable optimized media and fast delivery via CDN.

By default, syncing is done automatically, if you wish to have more control over the assets that are synced with Cloudinary, you can update your sync settings.

Adjusting storage settings

By default all your assets are stored in both WordPress and Cloudinary, which allows us to keep all assets in sync. If you're looking to reduce the size of your WordPress storage, you can adjust your storage settings accordingly. You'll find this setting under General Settings > Media Library Sync Settings from the plugin menu. As a minimum, assets must be stored with Cloudinary to be delivered with all the benefits Cloudinary offers.

The three options you can select are:

  1. Cloudinary and WordPress - This setting stores all assets in both Cloudinary and WordPress local storage. With this setting, if there are any issues with your Cloudinary account, or you choose to deactivate the Cloudinary plugin, your assets will be delivered directly from WordPress storage with no issues, ensuring a more robust fallback mechanism.
  2. Cloudinary and WordPress (low resolution) - This setting stores the original full resolution assets with Cloudinary and a lower resolution compressed version in WordPress, saving space in your local storage. With this setting, if you deactivate the Cloudinary plugin, your assets will be delivered at a much lower resolution directly from WordPress storage. This setting provides a limited fallback mechanism.
  3. Cloudinary only - This setting stores all assets in Cloudinary only, any existing assets stored in WordPress will be removed to save space in your local storage. With this setting enabled, you need to manually sync your media back to WordPress before deactivating the plugin. Before setting to Cloudinary only, we recommend creating a full backup of your WordPress site.

The table below demonstrates where an image would be stored for the given options, how it would look and the size of each version:

Storage Setting / Location Cloudinary WordPress
Cloudinary and WordPress

117.43 KB

117.43 KB

Cloudinary and WordPress (low resolution)

117.43 KB

54.67 KB

Cloudinary only

117.43 KB


The Cloudinary plugin dashboard page displays a whole host of information about the state of your media, optimization and your Cloudinary account, this includes:

  • Your percentage of assets optimized by Cloudinary.
  • The file size savings you've made by optimizing with the plugin.
  • Graphs showing your Cloudinary usage for bandwidth, storage and transformations.
  • Details about your current Cloudinary plan.
  • The plugin sidebar also shows your remaining usage and your optimization level.


Syncing media

Syncing media is how we ensure that your existing and any future WordPress assets are uploaded to Cloudinary and kept in sync. By being uploaded to Cloudinary, you'll be delivering your assets with all your optimizations and via CDN for improved site performance.

Your WordPress assets will sync to the root folder of your Cloudinary product environment, unless a folder path is specified in your Media Library Sync Settings. As an example, to store your assets in the cld-images sub-folder of the wordpress-assets folder, you would set the Cloudinary folder path to wordpress-assets/cld-images.

Syncing media library assets

By default, auto-sync is enabled. Auto-sync ensures that all of your WordPress media assets are automatically synced with Cloudinary when they are added to the WordPress Media Library. This allows you to continue to manage your media assets as normal but still experience all the many benefits the Cloudinary plugin provides.

If you'd rather manage the syncing of your assets manually, you can change this option under General Settings > Media Library Sync Settings from the plugin menu. With manual syncing enabled, all your WordPress Media Library assets will remain in WordPress only until they are manually synced with Cloudinary. To sync assets manually, navigate to the WordPress Media Library and hover over the relevant asset, from here you can click Sync and deliver from Cloudinary.

You can also use the WP-CLI to analyze and sync your assets.

Asset sync status

The WordPress Media Library includes information about the sync status of your assets with Cloudinary. Switch to list view to see the sync status column; this column contains an icon indicating one of four statuses:

  • Indicates the asset is fully synced with Cloudinary and will be delivered using a Cloudinary delivery URL.
  • Indicates syncing with Cloudinary is in progress. You may see this if you change a setting that affects a synced asset, such as the quality.
  • Indicates the asset is not synced with Cloudinary. Any un-synced assets can be pushed manually. Hover over the relevant asset and select the Sync and deliver from Cloudinary option.
  • Indicates the asset has been manually selected to be delivered from WordPress. To re-sync to Cloudinary, hover over the relevant asset and select the Sync and deliver from Cloudinary option.
  • Indicates there was a problem syncing to Cloudinary. Hovering over the icon will show a message explaining the error. This will most likely be due to a file size limitation or an incompatible file type. Please refer to your Cloudinary package limitation for more information on this.

Syncing specific media types

By default, both images and videos are set to be delivered via Cloudinary. However, you can choose to deliver either your images or videos, or both, via WordPress instead. This can save you Cloudinary usage.

In order to deliver either images or videos via WordPress instead of Cloudinary, turn off the Image/Video delivery setting on the Image/Video Settings page for the media type of your choice.

If your storage is set to Cloudinary only, all assets are stored only on Cloudinary and don't exist in WordPress local storage. In that case, both media types must be delivered from Cloudinary, and the option to turn off delivery via Cloudinary in favor of delivery via WordPress is disabled. To allow delivery via WordPress, first make sure the Cloudinary and WordPress storage option is selected.

Syncing additional assets

Syncing additional assets uploads all relevant assets to Cloudinary and enables advanced optimization and CDN delivery, resulting in improved site performance. Additional asset syncing is enabled by default as part of the setup wizard. You can update the settings for this in General Settings > Additional Asset Sync Settings.

The additional assets are grouped into four categories:

  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • WordPress core
  • Site content

For each of the categories, you can choose to sync all assets, or you can select individual components from the categories to sync.

Syncing additional assets will only sync the assets that are relevant for delivery. Any other assets that are used behind the scenes will be ignored.

Syncing external assets

If you have a number of media assets hosted externally to WordPress or you're managing your media across multiple environments, you can also sync these with Cloudinary and benefit from all the advanced optimization and delivery capabilities. To use this functionality, enable the setting from General Settings > External Asset Sync Settings and add any relevant domains in the box below.

Managing media

The Cloudinary WordPress plugin allows you to continue managing your media in the same way as you did before, however you can also make use of a number of advanced media management features provided as part of the plugin. By using Cloudinary as your principle media source, you'll get all benefits that come with a dedicated media platform.

Cloudinary DAM

The Cloudinary DAM can be added as an extension from the Extensions menu of the right sidebar when adjusting plugin settings or viewing the dashboard. Once enabled, you can access a compact version of the Cloudinary Media Library which provides almost all of the same functionality that is available in the full Media Library in your Cloudinary Console. You can also access the Media Library when you select the Cloudinary tab from the media selection modal when editing content.

With the Cloudinary Media Library you can take advantage of all the features listed below.

The Safari browser may require additional steps when logging in to the Media Library. If you encounter an issue, follow the prompts to log in separately and attempt to open the Media Library again. Alternatively, use one of the other recommended browsers when working with Cloudinary.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature lets you search by filters such as tags, metadata, format, orientation, resolution, or (if supported for your account), even by image analysis characteristics, such as prominent colors, presence of faces, or image location.

Advanced Search

For more details, see Advanced Search in the Digital Asset Management guide.


Collections are ad-hoc groupings of assets. Assets can be added to and from collections without affecting or moving the asset itself, and assets can be included in multiple collections. You can create your own collections (assuming you have the required permissions) or other Cloudinary users can share collections with you. You can also share collections with external stakeholders by sending a URL to a dedicated collection webpage, which is available to those with a link during an optionally specified date range.

Collections can often be a convenient way to group all assets that you might want to use on a particular project or campaign.

Media Library collections

For more details, see Collection management in the Digital Asset Management guide.

Tagging and metadata

Assets that have tags and other metadata enable all Media Library users to better organize and search for assets in the Media Library.

In addition to the option to specify tags when you upload an image or video, you can also add or edit tags and other metadata after images and videos are uploaded via the embedded Media Library, and even set the same tags or metadata on multiple images and videos at once.

You can view and set this data using the Asset toolbar or in the Asset management page.

Asset toolbar

You can set tags and metadata for several selected assets at once from the Media Library using the Tag or Edit Structured Metadata options in the asset toolbar. You can Edit Contextual Metadata via the (3-dot) options menu. The type of metadata available for editing (contextual or structured) depends on the setup for your organization's account.

Media Library asset toolbar

Asset management page

You can view or edit tags and metadata as well as view embedded image metadata for a specific asset from the Summary and Metadata tabs of the Asset management page.

To open the Asset management page either double-click the asset or select Open from the asset's context (right-click) menu.

From the Asset management page, you can also select a pre-defined transformation of the original asset, view or activate a variety of image analysis options in the Analysis tab, and more. For details, see Asset management drill-down in the Digital Asset Management Guide.

Asset management

Media editor

The Media Editor is only applicable to images and is accessible from the Asset management page, by clicking the Edit Image button.

In the Media Editor, you can crop and resize your image to suit your design. If you save the modified image, your current asset will be overwritten. You can retrieve the original if you have backups enabled. Otherwise, you may prefer to download the modified image and upload it as a new asset.

Media library media editor

Transformation editor

The transformation editor is accessible from the Asset management page, by clicking the Transform button.

In the transformation editor you can apply, and preview various transformations, then click Insert to use this transformed asset as your media item. Unlike when using the Media Editor, your original asset remains unmodified.

Media library transformation editor

For more details, see Asset and transformation editing in the Digital Asset Management guide.

Be careful when deleting and renaming assets or editing folders using the Cloudinary Media Library. The plugin will sync the changes to your WordPress Media Library and can therefore result in broken image and video URLs.

Delivering media

For all your synced media, the media URLs that are used on your website will be updated to Cloudinary URLs and will therefore be delivered to your end users by our advanced CDN network. The Cloudinary URLs will also include any additional transformations that will help optimize the asset to ensure you're serving your users the optimal version. You can also apply transformations that will effect the visual appearance of your assets.

You can configure a variety of settings to alter how your media is delivered by Cloudinary:

Disable accelerators from other plugins to ensure your media is delivered from a Cloudinary CDN.

If you have assets that you want to deliver directly from WordPress, you can select these on an individual basis. To deliver an individual asset from WordPress, navigate to the WordPress Media Library and hover over the relevant asset, from here click the Deliver from WordPress link.

Delivery from WordPress is not supported if your storage is set to "Cloudinary only".

Image and video optimization

The default settings for image and video optimization will make use of Cloudinary's automatic format and quality algorithms for the best tradeoff between visual quality and file size. If you want to update these settings to manually adjust the format and quality, for example if you have a requirement to deliver high-quality images as part of a portfolio, you can tweak this using the options in the Image Settings or Video Settings pages.

You can learn more about optimization and its impact on performance or metrics such as Core Web Vitals from our media optimization guide.

Enhanced video playback options

When you select the Cloudinary Video Player to stream all your videos, you can utilize Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR), adjusting video quality in real time based on bandwidth and CPU capacity. Choose between Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) and HTTP live streaming (HLS) as the streaming protocol. For more information about these protocols, see Automatic streaming profile selection.

Select an ABR protocol

Lazy loading

Lazy loading is a technique used on websites that delays the initialization of your web assets until they are actually required, to improve page load times, which is a key component of improving your Core Web Vitals metrics.

With the Cloudinary WordPress plugin, you can enable lazy loading and configure how your media appears before it is fully loaded. You have the option to select a color for the pre-loader as well as define the type of placeholder to show.

Lazy loading is enabled by default as part of the setup process but we recommend opening the Lazy loading settings to customize it for your website.

The lazy loading techniques make use of Cloudinary transformations and, as such, will count against your usage.

Responsive images

Enabling responsive images will automatically generate multiple image sizes based on your configured breakpoints. This will enable your images to responsively adjust to different screen sizes. You can use the Responsive images settings to adjust the logic and determine how many images should be generated. Generating large numbers of images will deliver a more optimal version for a wider range of screen sizes but will result in an increase in your transformations usage.

By default, responsive images are enabled and will generate a maximum of five image sizes, this will provide optimal images for a wide range of screen sizes whilst ensuring your usage remains at a reasonable level.

Crop and gravity control (Beta)

You need to use a WordPress filter to access Crop and Gravity Control. To enable the feature, contact support.

The Cloudinary plugin allows you to choose how your images are cropped, positioned and resized to fit the requested dimensions and new aspect ratio, including:

  • Crop: Whether parts of the image will be cropped out, or the image will be resized (upscaled or downscaled) to fit the new width and height.
  • Gravity: Which part of the original image is kept.

You can specify the crop and gravity transformation that will applied for each crop size on the Image Settings page. A sample asset is displayed for each crop size to help you visualize how your images will look when that crop size is applied. If you don't want a crop size to be available as a sizing option, you can Disable it.

In this example, the thumbnail crop size is set to apply the c_fill,g_face transformation:

Crop sizes

Once you've configured your crop sizes, you'll be able to apply them to the images on any post that you add.

You can also apply crop sizes when selecting images in the WordPress media library.

The transformation selected via the crop size is applied in addition to the individual transformations set in the media library.


Transformations are defined as a set of parameters included in a Cloudinary URL to programmatically transform the visual appearance of the assets on your website. With the Cloudinary plugin, you can add transformations and apply them to different assets in three different ways:

  • Global transformations are applied to all images or all videos. These transformations are set in the plugin's Image Settings or Video Settings.
  • Taxonomy transformations are applied based on certain categories or tags. These transformations are set when creating or editing a tag or category.
  • Individual transformations are applied to individual assets. These transformations are set using the Add transformations option for an individual asset in the WordPress Media Library.

All of these transformations can be configured to be applied as combined transformations or can override others as outlined in transformation hierarchy.

For more information on the available transformations and the transformation syntax, take a look at our transformation reference.

Here's an example of how to configure a global transformation that adds a Cloudinary logo overlay to all images:

Custom transformations

Transformation hierarchy

Transformation hierarchy is used to ensure the correct transformations are applied to the correct assets in the correct places. You can set transformations at global level, taxonomy level and individual asset level (when inserting from the Cloudinary Media Library), with the option to overwrite or append the transformations to achieve the desired effect.

Global level transformations

Global level transformations apply to all images or video throughout your site. Global level transformations can have taxonomy and individual transformations appended to the end or they can be overwritten. The best practice for global level transformations is to ensure they don't edit the content of the media too significantly and therefore would not need to be overwritten. An example would be to add a watermark to all your media assets.

Taxonomy level transformations

Taxonomy level transformations are specific to a defined taxonomy, either a "category" or a "tag". You can set your transformations when creating or editing the taxonomy. You can then apply the taxonomy to a post or page to see the transformations take effect on the media assets. An example of a taxonomy level transformation would be to apply an overlay or effect relating to that taxonomy e.g. Adding the tag "sale" could overlay a sale banner onto all the media assets in that post or adding a "dog" category could overlay a paw print.

Taxonomy order

When editing your content there will be a setting for "Taxonomy order". This allows you to configure the order in which the taxonomy level transformations should be applied (if you have multiple). You can also set whether the taxonomy level transformations should overwrite the global transformation.


Individual level transformations

Individual level transformations are defined using the Add transformations option for an individual asset in the WordPress Media Library or by applying transformations using the Cloudinary Media Library. The transformations are then included in the delivery URL and cannot be overwritten by any other transformation.

If you add a transformed asset to your content, you can specify whether you wish the individual level transformation to overwrite the taxonomy and global level transformations you have defined and therefore only display the individual transformation. To do this, navigate to the asset within the editor and click the asset to display the options in the "block" tab, or select edit (if you're using the classic editor). You'll see either a radio button or toggle for Overwrite Transformations.

Classic individual level transformations Classic Gutenberg individual level transformations Gutenberg


The examples below demonstrate how transformations are applied for different combinations of overwrite settings. The result is the Cloudinary URL that is used to deliver the image.

Original image

Sample image

The order the transformations are combined is individual > global > taxonomy.

Example of individual level overwrite

If you overwrite at the individual level only, both the taxonomy and global level transformations are not included in the final delivery URL.

Transformation level Transformation string Transformation Overwrite?
Global l_cloudinary_icon_white Cloudinary logo overlay N/A
  • tagA = e_red:50
  • categoryX = e_sharpen
  • tagB= e_improve
  • categoryY= o_70
Combined: e_red:50/e_sharpen/e_improve/o_70
  • tagA = Red effect
  • categoryX = Sharpen effect
  • tagB= Improve effect
  • categoryY= 70% opacity
Individual e_outline:outer:20:200 Black outline effect

Individual level overwrite

Example of taxonomy level overwrite

If you overwrite at the taxonomy level, you will get both individual and taxonomy level transformations in the final delivery url. The global level transformations will be overwritten.

Transformation level Transformation string Transformation Overwrite?
Global l_cloudinary_icon_white Cloudinary logo overlay N/A
  • tagA = e_red:50
  • categoryX = e_sharpen
  • tagB= e_improve
  • categoryY= o_70
Combined: e_red:50/e_sharpen/e_improve/o_70
  • tagA = Red effect
  • categoryX = Sharpen effect
  • tagB= Improve effect
  • categoryY= 70% opacity
Individual e_outline:outer:20:200 Black outline effect ✖️

Taxonomy level overwrite

Example of overwriting at taxonomy and individual level

If you overwrite at both taxonomy and individual level, you will get the same result as just overwriting at individual level, as this will always take precedence.

Transformation level Transformation string Transformation Overwrite?
Global l_cloudinary_icon_white Cloudinary logo overlay N/A
  • tagA = e_red:50
  • categoryX = e_sharpen
  • tagB= e_improve
  • categoryY= o_70
Combined: e_red:50/e_sharpen/e_improve/o_70
  • tagA = Red effect
  • categoryX = Sharpen effect
  • tagB= Improve effect
  • categoryY= 70% opacity
Individual e_outline:outer:20:200 Black outline effect

Both overwrite

Example with no overwriting

If you don't overwrite at any level then all transformations will be included in the final delivery URL.

Transformation level Transformation string Transformation Overwrite?
Global l_cloudinary_icon_white Cloudinary logo overlay N/A
  • tagA = e_red:50
  • categoryX = e_sharpen
  • tagB= e_improve
  • categoryY= o_70
Combined: e_red:50/e_sharpen/e_improve/o_70
  • tagA = Red effect
  • categoryX = Sharpen effect
  • tagB= Improve effect
  • categoryY= 70% opacity
Individual e_outline:outer:20:200 Black outline effect ✖️

No overwrite

Cloudinary status

The Cloudinary plugin includes an additional option that allows you to see information about the status of your media assets on your website frontend. This is useful in understanding the impact of the Cloudinary plugin on individual assets as well as seeing which transformations are being applied.

The status shows you whether an asset is delivered from Cloudinary or from WordPress. For Cloudinary delivered assets, it shows the following information:

  • Local size
  • Optimized size
  • Optimized format
  • Reduction (%)
  • Transformations

To view the status of your media, view any page or post from within WordPress and click the Enable Cloudinary status option from the Admin bar. Once enabled, an overlay is added to each of your media assets stating either "Cloudinary" or "WordPress". For all assets delivered from Cloudinary, you can hover over the overlay to view the status of that media asset.

Cloudinary status

Cloudinary Gallery

The Cloudinary Gallery provides a highly customizable and optimized gallery interface using the Cloudinary Product Gallery. The gallery is great for product detail pages but can also be used as a way of showcasing images for a variety of other use cases.

To use the gallery, first configure the look and feel using the Gallery settings. When you're happy with the design, add the Cloudinary Gallery block to any page or post and select the media you want to include.

For WooCommerce sites, the gallery can be enabled to replace the default product gallery on all product detail pages.

  • The Cloudinary Gallery block is not available when using the Classic editor.
  • The Cloudinary Gallery doesn't support media selection based on tags. All media must be added individually using the Media Library.


If you run into any issues with the Cloudinary plugin and need some help, contact support who will be able to help resolve your issues. We recommend generating a system report to assist our support team in understanding your problems and finding a solution.

System report

The system information report is an option that allows you to generate and download a realtime snapshot report about your WordPress site and the Cloudinary plugin. The report can be used to debug any specific issues you're having with your Cloudinary media and will help assist our support team should you need to contact them with any queries. You can enable the system report from the plugin Help Center.

The report is in JSON format and it includes information about:

  • Current WordPress and Cloudinary configuration
  • Currently installed plugins
  • Any themes that are being used
  • Any specifically selected media
  • Any specifically selected posts or pages

Once the report is enabled, you'll see a button to download your report. As the report is a realtime snapshot, it will include updated information each time you download it.

Add to report

Adding media or posts/pages to the report

Adding specific media or posts to your report can help to solve any issues you might be seeing.

Before adding media or posts/pages to your report, ensure that system information reports are enabled. Once enabled, to add items to the report:

  1. Navigate to the WordPress Media Library or the Posts/Pages section.
  2. Find the media, post or page that you want to add to the report. For media, ensure you're viewing the library in list mode.
  3. Hover over the item and select Add to Cloudinary Report.

Disabling system information reports will remove all previously selected items.

Add to report

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