Programmable Media


Last updated: Jul-03-2024

Cloudinary's Programmable Media SDK libraries wrap Programmable Media REST APIs and additionally include a variety of useful helper methods, enabling you to implement comprehensive image and video upload, transformation, optimization, and delivery capabilities using your favorite programming languages.

Backend SDKs

Frontend SDKs

Mobile SDKs

iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC)



React Native


Community-developed libraries

We invite you to use and contribute to these community-developed framework integrations for Cloudinary.




Gatsby Fetch Sources

Gatsby Transformer



  • Community-developed libraries are developed, tested and maintained by the community. Bug fixes and feature requests should be submitted in the relevant repository.
  • Throughout this documentation site, unless otherwise specified, the term "SDKs" refers to official Cloudinary SDK libraries. That information may or may not be relevant or accurate for these community-developed framework integration libraries. For information on setup, configuration and usage of these libraries, refer to the relevant community documentation.

Cross-SDK info

Configuration parameters

The first step in setting up any Cloudinary SDK is to set the global configuration parameters in the relevant configuration file (see the relevant SDK guide above for details on where and how to configure them for your SDK).

  • The cloud_name product environment identifier must be set for every SDK.
  • Your product environment api_key and api_secret are mandatory configurations for all backend SDKs.
    (The api_secret should never be exposed in client-side code.)
  • For all legacy SDKs, you'll probably want to set the secure parameter to true to ensure that your transformation URLs are always generated as HTTPS. (In SDK major versions with initial release in 2020 or later, this configuration parameter is true by default.)
  • There are also a number of additional optional configuration parameters you may want to define at a global level.

You can additionally set any of these configuration parameters in individual operations, which then overrides the globally set or default configuration values for that command.

The table below details all available Cloudinary SDK configuration parameters.
For details and examples of where and how to define these configuration parameters, see the relevant Cloudinary SDK framework guide.

In some SDK languages, you may need to adjust the case of the parameters shown below (for example to camelCase or kebab-case) to match the conventions of the language you are using.
Parameter Type Description
cloud_name string Mandatory. The cloud name of your product environment. Used to build the public URL for all your media assets.
api_key string Mandatory for server-side operations. Used together with the API secret to communicate with the Cloudinary API and sign requests.
api_secret string Mandatory for server-side operations. Used together with the API key to communicate with the Cloudinary API and sign requests.
secure Boolean Optional. Force HTTPS URLs for asset delivery even if they are embedded in non-secure HTTP pages. In most cases, it's recommended to keep (or set) this parameter as true.


secure_distribution |
string Optional. The custom delivery hostname (CNAME) to use for building URLs.

Relevant only for users on Advanced plans or higher that have a custom CNAME. For details, see Private CDNs and custom delivery hostnames (CNAMEs).

Note: Use secure_distribution (secureCname in PHP SDK v2.x and secure_cname in the Go SDK) to specify your organization's CNAME whenever secure is true.

(The legacy cname configuration parameter should be used only if secure is set to false.)

private_cdn Boolean Optional. Set this parameter to true if you are an Advanced plan user with a private CDN distribution. Default: false.

For details, see Private CDNs and custom delivery hostnames (CNAMEs).


(ApiBaseAddress in .NET)

string Optional. Replaces the part of the API endpoint with the string specified.

Relevant only for Enterprise plan users that are using an alternative data center, for example


(urlAnalytics in Node.js)

Boolean Optional. When true, URLs generated by the SDK include an appended query parameter that passes SDK usage information. This data is used in aggregate form to help Cloudinary improve future SDK versions. No individual data is collected and this data cannot be used to identify end users in any way.

Note that if you have developed proprietary functionality that relies on asset delivery URL values (CDN-based functionality, other query parameters, local storage of asset delivery URLs, etc), the appended query param could impact that functionality.

Default: true.

Relevant only for SDKs with major versions that were initially released in 2020 or later.

cdn_subdomain Boolean Optional. Whether to automatically build URLs with multiple CDN sub-domains when using HTTP delivery (for example ..., or http://a1.<> ... http://a5.<> for CNAMEs).

Note: Supported for backward compatibility only. In most cases, this option is no longer relevant. Default: false.

upload_preset string Optional. The name of a defined upload preset. You can create upload presets in the Upload page of the Cloudinary Console Settings or using the upload_preset method of the Admin API. If you are planning to offer unsigned uploads, you can define an unsigned upload preset to use with all uploads. This is especially useful for frontend SDKs.
api_proxy 1 string Optional. The URL of a proxy server in your environment for routing all Cloudinary Admin API and Upload API method calls to Cloudinary.
signature_algorithm enum Optional. Sets the algorithm to use when the SDK generates a signature for API calls or URL generation. Possible values: sha1 (default), sha256.
provisioning_api_key string Mandatory for Provisioning API operations. Used together with the Provisioning API secret to communicate with the Cloudinary API and authenticate provisioning requests.
provisioning_api_secret string Mandatory for Provisioning API operations. Used together with the Provisioning API key to communicate with the Cloudinary API and authenticate provisioning requests.
account_id string Mandatory for Provisioning API operations. The ID of the Cloudinary product environment for provisioning.
Rails SDK only
static_image_support Boolean Relevant the Ruby/Rails SDK only. Optional. Whether to deliver uploaded static images through Cloudinary. Default: false.

For details, see Rails Static images.

enhance_image_tag Boolean Relevant for the Ruby/Rails SDK only. Optional. Whether to wrap the standard image_tag view helper's method. Default: false.

Set this parameter to true if static_image_support is set to true.
Python SDK only
disable_tcp_keep_alive Boolean Relevant for Python SDK only. Optional. If true disables TCP socket keep-alive. Default: false.
Node SDK only
hide_sensitive Boolean Relevant for Node SDK only. Optional. Whether to ensure tokens, API keys and API secrets aren’t shown in error responses. Default: false.

  1. If you're using the Python SDK and setting your configuration parameters globally, you must set your configuration parameters before importing the cloudinary.uploader and cloudinary.api classes in order to set up a proxy server successfully.

SDKs with action-based syntax

Most of Cloudinary's newer SDK major versions use an action-based syntax for transformations. While the exact syntax for each SDK differs based on its programming language, the concept behind the syntax follows these principles:

  • The syntax is action-based, designed to make building delivery URLs and transformations more logical.
  • It allows discovering the available options from within your development environment, and ensures that only options that are supported can be used together.

The general form of the syntax is:

Transformation general syntax

An example being:

Transformation structure

The syntax is based on Actions, ActionGroups, and Qualifiers:

  • Assets expose methods called Action Groups (myImage.adjust()) that represent a directive to Cloudinary on how to transform a specific aspect of an asset
  • Action Groups receive an Action object as a parameter that defines the specific action to apply
  • Action objects are created through Factory methods (Adjust.replaceColor())
  • Some actions require a Qualifier as a parameter (lightblue)
  • Qualifiers usually accept a QualifierValue (17 in tolerance(17)).

Post-2020 SDKs

Cloudinary SDKs with a major version released in 2020 or later have a few global differences from SDK major versions released before that. For example, in the newer major versions:

  • The default value for the secure configuration parameter is true. (The default value remained false in older major versions for backward compatibility reasons).
  • The analytics configuration parameter is supported.

The following SDK libraries were released after 2020:

SDK browser support

The most recent five versions of the following browsers are regularly tested with Cloudinary's SDKs and are officially supported:


  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari


  • Mobile Chrome
  • Mobile Firefox
  • Mobile Safari

  • Internet Explorer 11 and earlier is not supported.
  • Other browsers not mentioned above may work well, but have not been tested.
    If there is another popular browser that you think we should add to our browser support matrix, please submit a support request and we will evaluate it.

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